Before using the Lezyne Connect Drive light, you must first pair the light to the remote button. Any product that transmits radio frequency (RF) cannot be actively transmitting during transport, so we can't ship the light paired with the remote button.
To use the remote, wireless button with your connect drive follow these steps.
To Pair the Front light:
- Hold the Front Light button for 2 seconds to switch the light on.
- Hold the wireless remote button (the top button when reading the Lezyne name) for 3 seconds until the front light automatically switches off.
- The pairing is complete when the front light automatically switches off.
To Pair the Rear Light
- Hold the power button on the rear light for 2 seconds to switch the light on.
- Hold the bottom button on the wireless remote switch for 3 seconds until the rear light automatically switches off.
- Once the rear light goes off the light is now paired.
Install the lights and switch on your bike and go ride!