These instructions are for the new and improved GPS Root website, now accessible at
All Lezyne GPS Devices (except the Macro Easy) are able to navigate TCX and GPX routes after uploading to your GPS Root database. You can upload a TCX or GPX navigation file to your GPS Root account at, or through the Lezyne Ally+ app. You can also create a route from within the Route Builder in the app.
Uploading a TCX and GPX file to the Lezyne GPS Root site
Log into your GPS Root account at, and from your Dashboard, click on My Routes.
Then click on Upload GPX/TCX.
Select Choose File, then navigate to where your browser downloaded the GPX/TCX file. Select the file and open it.
The Route Name will populate with the original file name, but you can change it to whatever you like. Select OK when finished.
NOTE: The file name CANNOT be changed later without re-uploading the file.
When complete, the page will say Route Saved.
The uploaded route can now be viewed from My Routes on GPS Root, or in your Saved Rides list in the app.
Click here for instructions on how to start navigating a route on your GPS using the GPS Ally App.
If you have any questions or problems importing a navigation route, please submit a request for help from our Support Team.